Blue Bolt
Blue Bolt Shrimp, easily the most popular Caridina Shrimp we breed and the first Caridina shrimp to steal our hearts! Beautiful colorations fading from blue and turquoise to yellow or white. Never gets old watching these little cosmic bolts dance around an aquascape!
Upon arrival, these sub-adults typically measure around half an inch (.5 inches), showcasing mesmerizing patterns that are further enhanced against dark substrates. To enhance their resilience during transit, we prioritize shipping more juveniles.
Tank Parameters:
- pH: 6.2 to 6.8
- GH: 4 to 6
- KH: 0 to 2
- TDS: 100 to 160
- Temperature: 68 to 74
Tank Equipment:
- Substrate: ADA Amazonia, Fluval Shrimp Stratum
- Water: RO/DI Water remineralized with Brightwell Aquatics Caridina GH+
- Filter: Biochemical sponge filters