Green Jade
Green Jade shrimp, will typically be shipped as sub-adults, measuring around half an inch (.5 inches). Their varying green shades are particularly enhanced when you use white/lighter substrates. We prioritize sending more juveniles, known for their resilience on their journey to your home.
Green Jade shrimp, a variety of Neocaridina Davidi, are always popular with their varying shades of green. These shrimp are selectively bred for their green color, which can range from pale translucent slime green to deep forest green. Selective breeding involves choosing individuals with desired traits, in this case, their green coloration, and breeding them to enhance and stabilize the characteristic over successive generations.
We recommend using remineralized RO/DI water for your invertebrate friends. They will be much healthier and happier resulting healthy and happy babies!
Tank Parameters:
- pH: 7.0 to 7.6
- GH: 7 to 15
- KH: 2 to 8
- TDS: 180 to 400
- Temperature: 68 to 74
Tank Equipment:
- Substrate: White substrate (non buffering), lava rocks (great at retaining biological filter and will buffer pH to their liking).
- Water: RO/DI Water remineralized with Brightwell Aquatics NeoTiger KH+/GH+
They do well with peaceful smaller fish, but will thrive on their own. Babies will have a higher survival rate if fish/larger predators aren’t present.
Drip acclimating shrimp is very important prior to new shrimp entering your aquarium!