Fire Red
The most requested Neocaridina shrimp we breed! These beautiful, hardy shrimp thrive in a wider range of parameters vs. their Caridina cousins. Their solid red coloration pops in any tank!
We recommend using remineralized RO/DI water for your invertebrate friends. They will be much healthier and happier resulting healthy and happy babies!
Tank Parameters:
- pH: 7.0 to 7.6
- GH: 7 to 15
- KH: 2 to 8
- TDS: 180 to 400
- Temperature: 68 to 74
Tank Equipment:
- Substrate: White sand substrate (non buffering), lava rocks (great at retaining biological filter and will buffer pH to their liking).
- Water: RO/DI Water remineralized with Brightwell Aquatics NeoTiger KH+/GH+
They do well with peaceful smaller fish, but will thrive on their own. Babies will have a higher survival rate if fish/larger predators aren’t present.
Drip acclimating shrimp is very important prior to new shrimp entering your aquarium!